As we near the halfway point of 2020, many of us have fallen off the new year’s resolution train with our fitness goals. With gyms closed, at-home workout equipment sold out, and minimal space in your living room, getting in a decent workout, or even a simple stretching routine, has certainly been THE challenge of 2020.

I challenge you to not give up just yet! Stay focused on your goals, and remain positive. 

Maybe 2020 isn’t the year for killer six-pack abs or a new squat PR. Guess what, that’s okay. Just because something is on hold now, doesn’t mean it can’t happen later. Patience is a virtue, even though I’m sure most of us are running low on it by now.

What can we do in the meantime then to not only benefit us going forward in our health and fitness goals but also to remain positive and motivated? We adapt. I mean it’s in our nature as humans any time we’ve faced hurdles in life, we adapt and move forward. This moment in time is no different.


Challenge Yourself with NEW and DIFFERENT Goals

I know I’m not alone when I say my goals for 2020 got drastically halted or impaired due to the closures that occurred due to state orders.

When we hit obstacles like this, it’s important to take a step back and reevaluate our goals and plan of attack in achieving them. It’s easy to become discouraged quickly when our favorite hobby for stress relief is gone, or our favorite restaurant closed until further notice. Instead of becoming discouraged, use the obstacle to challenge yourself in a new way. Set aside time to ask yourself:

  • What are MY current fitness goals?
  • Are they still achievable with MY environment/circumstances?
  • What can I do differently to achieve them?
  • What other fitness goals can I set to achieve with MY current environment/circumstances?


The second question is probably the most important because it dictates the remainder of them. For me, it was a definite NO, and I’ll admit I certainly struggled with it at first. Then I focused on the following two questions to help me come up with my new plan. What could I do differently and could I change anything about my goal(s)?


Stretching Is In Everyone’s Control

I knew weight lifting and certain exercises were simply out of the question for me. I chose to shift my focus to what I could achieve and what was attainable within my own settings, and I encourage everyone else to do the same. This shift is powerful because it allows us to map out new goals and discover new ways of thinking and planning to achieve them. 

stretching cat

Photo by Tamba Budiarsana from Pexels

Dig deep for some creativity in planning or educate yourself and learn something new that in the past you had no time for. Consider the exercises you typically neglect or foundational work you tend to skip over. This is a great opportunity to spend time strengthening those basic movements and functions. In the long run, it’ll pay off as you build upon a stronger base.

Like most fitness aficionados, I’m not great about stretching. Core work? More like bore work. I know we don’t want to spend our precious gym time on a balance board or increasing our flexibility. I get it! There are gains to be made and weights to slam on the floor. Except now, we have plenty of time and there aren’t any weights to slam.

Given my situation (injured) and environment (no weights), I decided going back to the basics was in my best interest. THAT’S THE KEY FOCUS. What’s in your best interest? Is it aligning to help you achieve your old goal or should you map out a new one?


The Nation is Stretching Back Open

man stretching

Photo by The Lazy Artist Gallery from Pexels

As ‘work from home’ becomes a thing of the past and we see offices start to open back up, it’ll be easy to get swept back up into crazy long workdays. Don’t let this happen to you! Remember, what is the key focus of your goal(s)? Is it ultimately attainable and in your best interest?

The country is beginning to stretch back open to a somewhat normal state. (face mask included) My challenge to you is to do the same. Stretch. Not only can you do this anywhere, but you can do it any time too. No more too busy at the office, or no gym equipment to use excuses.

Sure, it’s not the most aggressive form of exercise or movement. Will it make your biceps bigger? Most likely no. Will you break a sweat as you do in hot yoga? I hope not. What you can achieve though is a greater sense of flexibility, body alignment, and posture. It may not be the gains you hoped for but look at your gains from a new perspective. You’ll be GAINing flexibility.

Taking the time to set new mini-goals, which can be done simply with stretching, help keep us motivated and positive. When we set long term goals, it’s easy to lose focus or fall off course. That’s why setting smaller goals during your long term goal(s) help you stack on the train track and not give up. As you begin to accomplish more and more little goals, the reality of achieving your long term goal becomes more tangible.


Stretching Takes Time

That’s the problem many of us face in today’s world. We’ve become so accustomed to instant results and gratification that the idea of anything prolonged, or time-consuming, ultimately bores us, we forget about it and move on to something easier and faster. If we can click it, buy it, share it- great. If not, forget about it.


Photo by Stas Knop from Pexels

This is where the mini-goals come into help because guess what. Even the pros go back to the basics such as stretching and flexibility throughout their training programs. If they see an importance in it, so should you.

No matter our goal(s), the key is to treat each day as a marathon and as the days compile, we get that much closer to reaching the finish line. Just like running, our day to day life requires a lot of our focus, time, and energy. Making time in the day to stretch not only reminds us of the marathon we’re constantly ‘running’, but better enhances our mind and body to accomplish our resolutions. Stay focused, stay on the train.


8 reasons why stretching daily in 2020 will make you more equipped to achieve your goals and tackle the marathon race that is your life.


  • Increasing Circulation– Stretching promotes healthy, natural blood flow throughout our body that had slowed while we were sleeping. This gives our muscles and body the energy they need.


  • Prepares the body for exercise/daily activities- Whether you’re stuck in an office all day or running errands across town, any motion required of our body (even sitting) is a stressor. Stress on the body is best managed when we’ve loosened and warmed up our muscles.
man meditating

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

  • Lower stress levels– Loosened muscles hold less tension in our body and therefore can help us feel more relief when stressed. (Try stretching the next time you get stressed or frustrated)


  • Decrease fatigue– stretching the major muscle groups you use each day helps extend their energy expenditure throughout the day and prevent you from getting that mid-day slump.


  • Help maintain and restore our mobility and independence– it keeps our muscles healthy and strong for when we need them and decreases the risk of injury.

“A lot of people don’t understand that stretching has to happen on a regular basis. It should be daily,”

David Nolan, a physical therapist at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital.


  • Increased nutrient supply via blood flow- This helps in delivering oxygen and vital nutrients to our joints, bones, and muscles.


  • Mental break– whether you feel foggy or hit a wall, stretching helps recharge your blood flow, slow your breathing down, and aid in better oxygen distribution to your brain and muscles. This leads to a calmer and clearer mindset.


  • Energy boost!– Because of the nutrient and oxygen distribution that comes with stretching, you’ll feel fresh and recharged for the rest of your day
happy man

Photo by Vlad Chețan from Pexels



Stretching, Stretching, Stretching!

I’m no marathon runner, but if I knew 26.2 miles stood in the way of me achieving my goals, I’d start with stretching. Regardless of closures and lack of equipment, I want to make each day count and benefit me. How I do this is simply by stretching.

Every day, while my coffee is brewing or my lunch is heating up at work, I use those few minutes to stretch. Whether it’s moving my arms in circles, trying to touch my toes, or simply reaching for the ceiling I use the small breaks in my day as an opportunity to reset my body and mind. Doing so helps me recharge and serves as a gentle reminder not to lose sight of my bigger goals for the year. 

It’s easy to fall off course from our goals when we don’t see immediate results. Taking 10, even 5 minutes, out of our day to stretch helps us, focus, relax, and realign with our aspirations for the year. Even though a year is a long time, anything is possible when we look at it as a marathon and not a sprint.


Are you having trouble achieving your fitness goals?

Would you like guidance on how to stretch better and build a better fitness foundation?

How about a personalized fitness routine catered around your busy schedule and needs?


I can’t promise you’ll be able to contort into a pretzel or make the Cirque Du Soleil team.


What I can help you achieve is:


  • More confidence in YOURSELF, your GOALS and how you INTERACT with others
  • A healthier looking and feeling body through diet and exercise
  • Even greater knowledge on how to elevate not only your social and dating life but even your sex game


Get your FREE HEALTH ASSESSMENT to see how I can help you become mentally, physically, and even sexually fit while achieving your goals.


Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. This information is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace your healthcare professional.



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I'm a Registered Nurse with a passion for helping people lead a mentally, physically, and sexually healthy life. Sign up for your personalized health plan on my home page and be sure to grab your free copy of my 5-Minute Booty Builder Guide

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