Sex Drive

Ripped muscles, raging testosterone, and a sweaty sexy body pressed against yours are enough to make any gay man go weak in his knees. Week in and week out, we spend hours at the gym perfecting our pecs and defining our delts to achieve & maintain our statuesque bodies. We endure the pain, for we know that pleasure is to follow. Whether it’s from our next pre-shower selfie or sexual endeavor, looking good naked makes anyone happy. So can a plant-based diet help increase our already raging sex drive? Maybe, it certainly did for me.

From the weight room to the kitchen table, we are nothing without our diets. Calorie counting, carb cutting, intermittent fasting, the list goes on for what we’ve all tried, or are willing to try, to give us the boost we need to go from flab to ab.shirtless man

I’m no stranger to strict dieting. For years I’ve tried all types of meals, programs, supplements, juices, you name it. The monotonous routine of chicken, steak, fish, rotate became dull and unsatisfying after 6+ years. No matter my spice or marinade combo, my routine was definitely suffering.

Going Plant-Based

Late this past Fall between recovering from an injury and becoming disgusted with my then diet, I knew something had to change but was unsure what to do.  My partner recommended we look into trying a plant-based diet to help us clean up our nutritional intake and help me with my recovery process.

The documentary “The Game Changers” on Netflix, only solidified my decision more when I watched it later that same week. What I saw and learned just blew me away. The vast amount of science and history it shared had me even more disgusted towards my years of heavy meat consumption than I was before. If I wasn’t sure about going plant-based before, I certainly was now.

That weekend my partner and I went shopping and slowly started integrating whole plant-based foods into our diet and meat out. By Sunday, we had our meal plan measured, cooked, and stored, and by the end of the week, we could already notice the changes happening.

Most noticeable:
  • We were getting amazing sleep at night. Waking up at 4 am for the gym felt easy and natural. Yeah, 4 am.
  • Our productivity at work was stronger than ever and we never felt groggy or distracted throughout the day.
  • We never had any major mood swings and stayed in great spirits a majority of the day, if not all-day

“…research linked depression to inflammation in the brain and chemical imbalances of neurotransmitters. Plant foods are high in antioxidants and phytochemicals, which generally help to repair damage and decrease inflammation in brain cells. In addition, plant foods can help restore balance to neurotransmitters.” –  

  • We had stronger workouts in the mornings with less fatigue and soreness. We were recovering much faster than before.
  • And of course our absolute favorite: waking up with raging morning wood and libido that was through the roof.

“Your diet does have an impact on your sex drive. It can increase blood flow and regulate testosterone levels”   -Jason Hughes-

Plant-Based Diet and Sex Drive

If you watch the Netflix documentary, you’ll see towards the end they do a sleep study on 3 different guys showcasing the girth and number of times they had an erection while sleeping after an all plant-based meal. We didn’t notice this right away, but after a couple of days, the mornings became our new favorite time to play 

‘Morning wood’ is a slang term that refers to a person having an erect penis when they wake up in the morning. The medical term is nocturnal penile tumescence. Some call it having a nocturnal erection.”

As the mornings came, so did we. Our hormones were raging just as much as our wood was throbbing. We thought this would probably subside or just be a phase. I can assure you it’s not a phase. We are going on month 5 of plant-based eating and the sex, much like our bodies, just keeps getting better.

While our testosterone levels rose so did our muscle mass, and adversely our body fat dropped. Not only did going plant base help rejuvenate our meal plan, but it also spiced up our sex life. We feel great, look better, and still have to wake up extra early to ensure neither of us is late to work 😉


Put the Plant in Your Eggplant

Are you looking for new and healthy alternatives to recharge and boost your sex drive?

Have you tried pills, drinks, or other supplements that you can’t even pronounce the ingredients of?

thumbs up hot man

Photo by YesManProductions

A plant-based diet is not only safe but will also leave you feeling recharged physically and sexually.

If you’re looking for more information on plant-based dieting or other unique ways to jumpstart your libido let’s chat!

Sign-up here and we can discuss in private either your fitness goals, self-esteem goals, and even your bedroom goals 😉

Take advantage of this FREE 30-minute health assessment while it lasts!



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I'm a Registered Nurse with a passion for helping people lead a mentally, physically, and sexually healthy life. Sign up for your personalized health plan on my home page and be sure to grab your free copy of my 5-Minute Booty Builder Guide

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