If you’ve never understood someone when they say, “I’m unapologetically queer/trans/bi/gay/etc.” then let me help explain it. Better yet, let singer-songwriter and producer Rivin convey it to you in his new single, “I’ll Never Say Sorry.”



If the saying is unfamiliar to you, chances are you were fortunate to have a supportive family and culture during your coming out or self-discovery process. As much as this is great, the harsh reality is that not everyone gets to experience such a positive moment.


Rivin contacted me recently to discuss the new song and the inspiration behind it. The song is beautiful, soft, and full of emotion. I must admit though, at first, I had some difficulty connecting to the lyrics. For me, my coming out process was nothing but love and support from everyone I knew.


I was never made to feel like I needed to apologize for being, well, me.



If you can relate to my situation, then it could pose a barrier to connect with the lyrics, but I promise that it shouldn’t stop you from trying. Let me challenge you to not use your own experiences, but the experiences of others. Those we may know, or know of, who did not get to enjoy such a positive transition of self-discovery. Those who maybe weren’t accepted by their family and friends.

Starting to make sense now?- Listen to the song from someone else’s perspective.


Rivin’s Message

Rivin’s lyrics transcribe a beautiful message on the power of self-love and the importance to never change who you are for someone who doesn’t accept you as you truly are.

Once I truly had a grasp on the lyrics and the meaning of the song I saw just how versatile it was. Yes, this song aims to empower queer people, but it also extends beyond us.

Think of a time you held back from speaking your mind, following your passion, or showing your true colors out of fear of rejection. Whether your experience was good or bad, you know the moment you started living your truth and dressing how you wanted, dating who you wanted, or maybe even doing the job you always wanted, your life was forever changed for the better.


When we live a life dictated by the opinions or fears of others, we are no longer living a life of our own but one for someone else. Rivin said it perfectly:

“…I’ll never say sorry, ‘cause this is my story…”

‘My story’. Your life story is yours alone and no one else’s. Start living your life the way you intended to for yourself, not for anyone else’s rules or expectations. In doing so, you’ll find much greater fulfillment in life as Rivin explains in this song. 

Find Pride with Rivin

This Pride month, as well as the rest of the year, remember Rivin’s song. This Pride month is particularly important as we face much bigger issues outside of the Queer agenda. We’re living in a world right now that tells us if we are not like the majority,  or conform to the norm, then we are not equal and thus, not deserving of love and human rights.

Well, we’ve got news for the rest of the world. We are equal and deserving of love. We are entitled to basic human rights and we don’t need to change a damn thing or apologize for any of it.

Whether you’re a part of the black community or the Latino community, or you’re trans, bi, gay, you name it, I don’t want you to ever apologize for being yourself. You are beautiful just the way you are. You deserve to be able to embrace your own story and live your life how you want. Go out there and do so. Remember, for all we know, you only get one life. Embrace it sooner than later.

I know there is a lot of work to be done still. If we continue embracing our unique selves and lifting each other up we will see progress. The progress that will hopefully shape the future so that no one else will ever have to feel like they should be sorry for who they are.


Thanks For Sharing Rivin

His music will inspire you to see things differently, embrace the power of self-love, overcome the fear of rejection, and most importantly never apologize for being uniquely you.

For more on Rivin and his music, check out his socials below.






If you’d like to pre-save “I’ll Never Say Sorry” you can do so by clicking the link below.




“I’ll Never Say Sorry” drops June 30th and I know you’ll be just as inspired, motivated, and moved as I have been listening to it.


Be Mindful, loving, and always- Be You.



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I'm a Registered Nurse with a passion for helping people lead a mentally, physically, and sexually healthy life. Sign up for your personalized health plan on my home page and be sure to grab your free copy of my 5-Minute Booty Builder Guide

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