Journaling is for everyone. Read that again and really let that set in. That’s actually the beauty of it though, anyone can do it. Feeling anxious? Journaling can help.


Remember, like my other articles, this is not meant to be used as an alternative to medical advice from your healthcare provider. This is me simply sharing my experience with you. Consult your healthcare provider with any questions or concerns you may have in regards to mental health.


The information I provided is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical conditions.  Please consult your primary doctor for all recommendations and questions that you may have regarding mental health.  The views and opinions here are based on my own personal experience and preference. (full medical disclaimer)


It is particularly helpful for men who suffer from all types of anxiety or anxiety-like behavior. This is because anxiety comes in many forms, at different times, and for different reasons.

man journaling

Many men, typically, don’t realize they have anxiety or anxiety-like feelings. When they do, they often have trouble processing these emotions. Thanks to today’s male culture, men are taught to hide such emotions.


Instead, men should be taught how to deal with their emotions, like anxiety, with healthy coping skills and positive outlets.


Methods like asking for help, meditating, journaling, or seeing a therapist have been unfortunately stigmatized as weak. They should not be


This piece focuses solely on journaling benefits. Look for other or future articles on more in-depth information regarding mental health resources.


What is Journaling?

What is journaling and how does it work? I’m glad you asked.


Think of journaling as a brain dump.journaling


There are no rules, limits, or set instructions for how you journal. Don’t make yourself feel like there’s a right or wrong way to do this. There isn’t.


Journaling is the ultimate versatile tool for strengthening your mental well-being. You decide how to make it work for you. There are no rules, but I will provide you flexible guides to help you think of ways in which you can journal.


  • You can write down your daily activities and emotions
  • Use it as a “To-Do” list or progress tracker
  • Try matching moments of intense emotion, good or bad, to particular life events.


The beauty of journaling is that there are no rules. Be as organized or as messy as you’d like. This method is for you alone, so it should be relatively close to your personality.


You don’t have to stick with one style either. 


For myself, I like to mix it up. You can go with the flow, your mood, or trial the examples above.


Types of Anxiety

Without being too medically specific I’m going to touch on broader situations that can cause anxiety of anxiety-like feelings. 

If you or someone you know is looking for medical advice or diagnosis please refer to your primary physician. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any health issue(s). It is solely for educational purposes. (full medical disclaimer)


Feeling anxious can stem from many situations. You could feel it while waiting for your final exam grades at school. You may feel it prior to meeting a new group of people.


There’s no ‘one size fits all’ anxiety feeling. It affects us each differently.


Gay men especially can feel anxiety more often than our heteronormative counterparts.

Whether it’s waiting on lab results or trying to come out to our families, anxiety is very prevalent in our culture. Learning to love and trust again after being hurt in the past can pose a plethora of challenges, anxiety included.

Other situations include:

  • Managing a chronic health condition
  • Overcoming substance abuse
  • Social anxiety in groups
  • Managing past traumatic events

Feeling anxious constantly isn’t healthy mentally or physically. Do you ever notice a trend during times like these with how you feel? Your heart is probably racing. You have trouble sitting still. You can’t eat because you feel sick to your stomach and have no appetite. 


Maybe your chest feels heavy and it’s getting harder to take a deep breath?

These symptoms can wreak havoc on our bodies when they go uncontrolled for too long. (1)


Don’t let these moments ruin and control how you live. Learn to live WITH them or CHANGE them in a healthy matter. You can do it. I believe in you.


Men have enough heart stressors. Stop making it harder on yours.


How Journaling Helps Anxiety

Journaling helps by first identifying your emotions and what they’re connected to. Remember that.


You can’t solve a problem if you don’t know what the issues are.


Use your time journaling to explore emotions you don’t understand or events that make you uncomfortable. Rember, there are no rules to this. Make it work for you.

journaling for men

As I said before, the beauty of journaling is its versatility. You can do it any time of day, week, or any time you feel anxious-like. Feelings like anxiety have no schedule, so your journaling times shouldn’t either. Make it work for you.


MY ULTIMATE PIECE OF ADVICE: Review your journal.


Take away two things from this. The power of starting to journal and reviewing it in the future.


The next best thing you can do after spending some time journaling is to go back over it later on. Explore those emotions and then after some time, go back to them.


Look back at your entries to learn from them. When you learn from your emotions and experiences, and their connection, you can better process them in the future. This is how we grow in a healthy and effective manner.


You have to first acknowledge the issue before solving the problem.


Want To Know More?

Do you need help journaling or developing great mental health practices?

happy man

Photo by Vlad Chețan from Pexels

I use a journaling method with my clients in all aspects of their lives, not just mental.


Journaling can work for all of us, you included!


If you’d like to get started as one of my clients and learn how to improve your overall health with my unique program tailored to your needs then…


Sign-up here for your FREE 30-minute health assessment with me


Together we’ll discuss your personal goals, hurdles to overcome, and what to expect from me as your trainer.


I look forward to helping you become mentally, physically, and sexually healthier.





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I'm a Registered Nurse with a passion for helping people lead a mentally, physically, and sexually healthy life. Sign up for your personalized health plan on my home page and be sure to grab your free copy of my 5-Minute Booty Builder Guide

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