Home exercises are all the rage

Summer is quickly approaching and before you know it your timeline, newsfeed, etc is about to be swarmed with pictures of tan bodies, flat stomachs, and six-pack abs. That is if we’ll be allowed to enjoy Summer this year :/  I’ve personally never had the perfect six-pack before, so I’m not going to tell you what you need to do to get one. Instead, I’m going to share with you my 10 favorite exercises that’ll help make your ‘V’ Pop 


Your ‘V’! You know, the one flashed across our screens in movies, TV, and just about every other unrealistic outlet of media there is. Yes, those two lines of muscle that point right down to a man’s 🍆  Washboard abs just aren’t in my Rolodex of fitness knowledge, at least not yet! (Work in progress).


What is the ‘V’? Sometimes called Adonis Belt or ‘cum gutters’

'V' Line Abs

Photo by Dani Alejandro from Pexels

Even though I’ve never been able to lock in a chiseled set of abs for a prolonged period, I have been able to secure what I consider to be it’s equal. The precursor to getting that six-pack. They are the infamous ‘cum gutters’. This sexy muscular definition, sometimes called ‘the V’ or ‘the adonis belt’, is right up my alley, and I want to help you get yours!

Now, with that being said, along with training your core you’ll also need to be conscious of what you’re eating in order to get abs. A shitty diet will only yield shitty abs, it’s as simple as that. You’ll want to monitor your carb intake, make sure your protein is lean and clean, your sugar intake should be next to nothing, and of course, only consuming a low portion of healthy fats. We all respond differently to food so there is no one diet fix-all guarantee. It’ll take some trial and error, like all good things, to develop your personal diet plan. 

First, Nutrition is Key 

fresh lemons

Abs are not made solely in the gym. 

They are also made in the kitchen! I get it though. Nutrition, proper diet goals, and planning can get confusing and let’s be honest, overwhelming.

Wouldn’t it be easier to have someone coaching you through the process? Even help you learn to track your food, weigh it, cook it, and try some new recipes?

If this sounds like something you could benefit from, send me a message at noah@bodybybernard.com or on any of my various social media handles. (Instagram and now TikTok!) I offer nutrition coaching to help you set realistic goals, eat healthier, and stay on track to achieve your goals.



 Below are my top 10 Home Exercises to Help Make Your ‘V’ Pop! Perfect for those days when you can’t make it into the gym. These will really help you hone in on your V section and make it pop when you’re by the pool or on vacation.


Remember when performing any exercise to continue breathing. A lot of people make the mistake of holding their breath during a motion. As you flex/contract a muscle you should simultaneously be exhaling. As you relax the muscle and prepare for the next movement is when you should be breathing in.


10 Home Exercises to Help Make Your ‘V’ Pop

  • Flutter kicks

    1. Position yourself flat on your back with your arms down by your sides.
    2. Begin by raising one leg about 6 inches off the ground while holding your other leg just about 1-2 inches off the ground
    3. Your feet/legs should not touch the ground during this exercise.
    4. Then simultaneously alternate legs so that the other leg is now raised, and the leg you had raised initially is now lowered to just hovering above the ground.
    5. Continue alternating back and forth as fast AND CONTROLLED as you can.
    6. Remember to keep breathing throughout the motion, do not hold your breath
    7. 20-30 flutters x3 times, rest for 15seconds between each set.


  • Heel Taps

    1. On the ground, lay flat on your back
    2. Bend your knees so that they form a 45-degree angle with the floor and keep both feet flat on the floor
    3. With arms at your sides, slowly begin to bend at your right side, reaching to touch your heel.
    4. Remember to keep your back as flat on the ground as you can for this movement
    5. Alternate from side to side for total of 20 heel taps (10 on each side), rest 15 seconds in between each set


  • Frogger, or Tuck-Ups

    1. Lying flat on the ground, on your back
    2. Begin by simultaneously bringing your legs up to your chest or as close as you can, with bent knees
    3. While also bringing your arms around to grab your knees, resulting in a tuck/ball position
    4. Then open back up by extending your arms back overhead and behind you- while simultaneously extending your legs straight out without letting your feet hit the ground. Don’t let your feet hit the ground on this movement.
    5. Repeat 15-20 times, for 3 sets, rest 30 in between each set. Keep breathing!


  • Plank Hold

    1. Position yourself face down on the ground.
    2. Raise up to a plank position by supporting yourself with your forearms and feet/toes
    3. Forearms should be shoulder-width apart and form a 90-degree angle with the ground
    4. Keeping your back flat, belly button in, and not raising your butt, move up onto your toes. Feet should be together but can be separated for help in this position.
    5. Hold this position until failure, then 30-second rest, 3x total


  • Plank Alternating Knees

    1. Assume the plank position
    2. From here, bend one leg and tap that knee to the ground in a controlled motion
    3. Alternate each side for 20-30 reps, repeat 3x with a 45-second break between


  • V-Ups, Pike-Ups

    1. Same starting position as Tuck-ups
    2. Instead of bending your knees to bring your legs up and in, keep your legs straight and raise them up as high as you can
    3. Simultaneously bring your arms up to meet your feet, forming a “V” shape
    4. The goal is to try and touch your toes, then simultaneously lower your arms and legs maintaining the straight position
    5. Control your legs when lowering them, they should not hit the ground
    6. 15 reps, 3x, 15-second rest between sets


  • Leg Raises

    1. Lying back on the ground
    2. Simply raise your legs up to a 90-degree angle, or as high as you can
    3. Then lower them back down just about 3-6 inches above the ground
    4. Feet should be flat, no pointed toes
    5. Hands can be down by your side or straight out from you for support
    6. 15 reps, 3x, then rest for 30 seconds between


  • Mountain climbers

    1. Assume a push-up position
    2. By alternating legs, bring one leg up underneath you, knee bent and foot just tapping the ground quickly
    3. Switch legs quickly, extending the bent one back while simultaneously bringing the other one forward.
    4. Repeat this motion for 30 reps (15/leg), rest for 15 seconds, then repeat 3x


  • Russian Twists

    1. Back to our frogger position, except this time, you’ll be in about a half-tuck position
    2. Support yourself on your bottom, and hold your legs out in front of you
    3. Alternate sides by tapping the floor with both hands back and forth
    4. This should be a controlled motion, don’t overexert your full body to turn, or let your legs drop
    5. Your back should be slightly elevated off the ground as well, about 45-degrees
    6. Perform 20 twists, 10/side, then 30-second rest, repeat 3x



  •  Side Plank

    1. Starting from our base plank position
    2. Move to where you are only supported by one of your forearms.
    3. Your body should remain in a straight line, you should now be facing either completely left or right, depending on which way you turned.
    4. Support should come from your shoulder/forearm, as well as the side of your foot.
    5. If you turned and are facing left, you should be balancing on your right forearm and the side of your right foot. Your left foot should be resting on top of your right
    6. Hold this position till failure, switch sides, repeat for 3x


I hope you’ve found these exercises helpful in defining your ‘V’ line to really make it stand out. Remember, in addition to these 10 home exercises to help make your ‘V’ Pop, you also want to ensure you have a good clean diet working in conjunction with it. A shitty diet will only yield shitty abs, simple as that!


Want to Know More?

Are you looking for new and healthy alternatives to recharge your mood, enhance your workouts, and maybe even boost your sex drive?

Have you tried diets, drinks, or other crazy plans that don’t fit your needs?

thumbs up hot man

Photo by YesManProductions

Tailored workout programs are not only safe but will also leave you feeling recharged physically and emotionally for the day or night ahead.

If you’re looking for more information on my personalized fitness programs let’s chat!

Sign-up here and we can discuss in private either your fitness goals, self-esteem goals, and even your bedroom goals 😉

Take advantage of this FREE 30-minute health assessment while it lasts!


Want To See More Skin In My Workouts? 😏

Check out my ‘Behind-the-scenes’ content exclusively on OnlyFans. 

cum gutters

Get your ‘Cum Gutters’ to Pop with this Home Routine


See more of the various products, toys, kinks, and fetishes in action, that I mention here on my site.

Suggestions and private direct videos are welcome as well. Email me at Noah@bodybybernard.com for suggestions and requests.

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I'm a Registered Nurse with a passion for helping people lead a mentally, physically, and sexually healthy life. Sign up for your personalized health plan on my home page and be sure to grab your free copy of my 5-Minute Booty Builder Guide

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